*Pilot Card SolarisVII Championsを暫定更新
*Catalyst Game Labs Submits Offer for WizKids Properties
クラシック・バトルテックやシャドウラン等のTRPGを出版しているCatalyst Game Labs社が、WizKidsの保有する資産の買取交渉をTopps社と開始したそうです。
ソースは、Topps Shuts Down WizKids(ICv2)とAnnouncement(wizkidsgames.com)、News from Topps…(WizKids Blog)より。
*Readout: FPを更新しました。
*Pilot Card SolarisVII Championsを暫定更新
*Readout: DFA、Readout: LI、Readout: FPを更新しました。
*Readout: DA、Readout: FFEを更新しました。
*DAVE Schoolの生徒達の卒業制作メックウォリアー・ムービー、YouTubeにて視聴可能!
2006年に予告がWizKidsのサイトで公開されて以来、制作が停滞していると思われていたDAVE Schoolの生徒達による卒業制作メックウォリアー・ムービーですが、今になって完全版ができた様です。
ムービーの内容はウルフハンターズVSスフィア共和国軍の戦いで、マッドキャットMk IVに乗ったアナスタシア・ケレンスキーとアトラスに乗ったスフィア共和国聖騎士オットー・マンデラが対決するといったものです(聖騎士オットー・マンデラ、これでフォートレス・リパブリックの外にいた事が確定しましたね)
(良いムービーです。アトラスの右腕の武器はコムスターINNで一時期噂になったRAC/20なのでしょうか? ただ、マンゴネルの不憫さと最後に登場するウルフハンターズのオーロラ級降下船にやたらと搭載されていたジャッカロープの数には笑ってしまいました――ウルフハンターズ、意外と金持ちなのかも知れませんね(笑))
*MechWarrior Solaris VII Campaign Pack、ルールとカードのダウンロード開始!
MechWarrior Solaris VII Campaign PackのルールブックとラリーカードがPDFで公開されました。
(これらのラリーカードの幾らかは、ソラリスルールに於いてはイマイチ使い道がない様に思えますが、全体的には面白いものだと思います。後は、MechWarrior Solaris VII Campaign Packにある筈の残りのメックとパイロットカードの入手手段がどうなるのかが問題ですね)
July 2008 Faction Storyline Scenario
Wolves of Destiny
The word from one is no more than a whisper, but repeated by every militia member whose eyes are cast skyward, it becomes a roar. As the Clan Wolf dropship begins delivering its payload, the militia scrambles into place. Someone will be leading the assault on the Republic, and, if she has her way, it will be Anastasia Kerensky to show the glory and might that is Clan Wolf.
Objective: Each player aims to defeat the other.
Battleforce Size/Composition: Two-player game; 300-point build total; three (yes, three) orders per turn. All units in a player’s battleforce must have the same faction symbol or be aligned via a house alliance after any recruitment costs are paid or after any mercenary contract cards are played. Determine the first player per the MechWarrior: Age of Destruction rules; the first player then decides if he or she wishes to represent Clan Wolf or the Republic of the Sphere militia.
Rules Sets: MechWarrior®: Age of Destruction, Firepower, Annihilation, Domination, Vanguard, Wolf Strike, and Battleforce.
Time Limit: 50 minutes
Preparing the Battlefield: No blocking terrain may be placed, though combined terrain that contains blocking terrain may still be placed. For this scenario, planetary condition PC-020, Grasslands, is in effect. No other planetary condition or mission cards may be played.
Special Rules:
1. Snipers, Snipers, Everywhere: At the beginning of the active player’s command stage, that player may make a ranged combat attack against any opposing unit. This attack always has a clear line of fire, has an attack value of 9, has the ballistic damage type, and scores 1 damage if it succeeds. This attack does not count towards the active player’s order total for the turn.
2. Occupation: When scoring victory points for victory condition 3, infantry units score 1 victory point, vehicle units score 2 victory points, and ’Mech units score 3 victory points.
Victory Conditions: Use MechWarrior: Age of Destruction victory conditions with the exception outlined in the special rule 2.
(ウルフハンターズのアナスタシア・ケレンスキーが何故、敵対していた筈のウルフ氏族の軍勢を指揮しているのでしょうか? このシナリオでは、ウルフ氏族VSスフィア共和国の戦闘が扱われていますが……ウルフ氏族の主力は自由世界同盟にいる筈なので些か奇妙です。このシナリオ、指揮ステージ開始時に任意のユニットに対する狙撃ができるのは面白いと思います)
Catalyst Game Labs (An InMediaRes Productions, LLC company) announces the return of novels for Classic BattleTech, MechWarrior, and Shadowrun. The re-launch of these perennial lines will include an amazing selection of authors--including New York Times' Bestselling Author Michael A. Stackpole.
出版社のライセンス契約期間切れにより、“To Ride the Chimera”を最後に休止状態となっていたメックウォリアー:ダークエイジ小説ですが、WizKidsとCatalyst Game Labsがライセンスの契約を結び、Catalyst Game Labsから展開がされる事になりました。
その第1弾は“A Bonfire of Worlds”という名の小説で、著者はBattleCorpsでお馴染みのSteven Mohan, Jr.氏です。2008年11月発売予定だそうです。
Dear MechWarrior Players, Envoys, and Venues,
MechWarrior has some of the most dedicated fans of any game line in the industry, and WizKids deeply values those fans. It’s for our fans that we have kept MechWarrior events running as long as we have─eight months past the release of the latest MechWarrior product. However, monthly WizKids-supported MechWarrior events will be ending at stores in July, and culminating in August with the MechWarrior Championships at GenCon. We want to level with you and tell you why supported MechWarrior events are ending for now:
1) We are simply out of prizes in sufficient quantity. For North America alone, it takes one set of 750-1100 individual, usually identical figures or cards to support each of the 3-4 MechWarrior events each month. The last set of “new” prize support created for MechWarrior was eight months ago, the six Wolf’s Dragoon LE ’Mechs. You may have noticed we’ve had to reuse some old kits recently and stretch things in various ways to have all the events covered. There’s essentially nothing left in our warehouse in sufficient quantity.
2) We can’t create new prize support without a new product. When the sculpting, painting, tooling, and production lines for a set are designed, we can turn some quantity of that set into LE prizes. OP material cannot be generated without being attached to a set - this has always been true, and for all of our lines. As no new MechWarrior sets have been created, we have been unable to generate new prize support.
WizKids believes it is worth supporting fans, even when we are not currently producing new products. Some companies immediately cut OP to save money. But we love MechWarrior as much as you do, and we wanted to keep the MechWarrior tournament experience going as long as possible.
That being said, there are still many awesome MechWarrior things to look forward to:
1) The MechWarrior Championship at GenCon from August 14th-17th. This is going to be the culmination of MechWarrior events in North America and across the world. There is going to be a great set of events at Gen Con this year, and we hope everyone who loves MechWarrior can make it. All of the storyline events for the past several months have been building up to this Championship event. There will be several side events, causal gaming space, and we will have some fantastic MechWarrior figures to use as prizes at all levels. More details will be coming in early July!
2) Venue-supported and casual MechWarrior events will still be available. BattleMasters can still schedule MechWarrior events on our site and have the results recorded and tracked. I have heard from a few BattleMasters that are already planning some extensive campaigns at their venue, and I encourage our other BattleMasters to do so as well.
3) Solaris VII Campaign Pack available on the WizKids website. All the materials from this action pack, including the new rally cards, will be freely available to download starting next month.
4) Honoring 2007 Solaris VII winners from GenCon. Last year’s six winners from Gen Con’s Solaris VII events will be receiving customized ’Mechs and a customized trophy, along with their own pilot cards that will be able to be downloaded and played by anyone in casual events. A feature article showcasing them and their ’Mechs will be posted on the website once the process is completed in a few months.
*Solaris VII Campaign Action Packは、WizKidsのサイトから入手可能になる。それのカード等は、来月にフリーでダウンロード可能にする。
WizKidsの財政状態は余り良くなく、当面は素早い資金回収が見込めるHeroClixやStar Wars PocketModels、Piratesシリーズに集中する予定だそうです。ただ、WizKidsはMechWarriorを完全に諦めるつもりはない、2009年に新シリーズの展開の予定がある、との話しもありますので、今は見守るしかないですね。
(6月シナリオの「Our reports also suggest they may even be receiving instructions from Stone himself.」との文章は要注目です。デヴリン・ストーン本人からの指示と思われるものが捕捉されたそうです。デヴリン・ストーン、もしかすると惑星“ツカイード”に潜伏しているのでしょうか? 何か大きな動きがあるのかもしれません)
(5月シナリオの「With the Republic sending colossal-class BattleMechs after its own Knights,」との文章からしますと、135tメック“アレス”の出所がスフィア共和国なのは確実となったみたいですね。何故、彼等が“フォートレス・リパブリック”の外にいるスフィア騎士を攻撃したのかは未だにわかりませんが。これに対し外部の軍達は“フォートレス・リパブリック”の鉄のカーテンを突き破る事を考え始めましたが、それをするには莫大なリソースが必要でした。ここで、タイミング良くバンソンが貯め込んでいた莫大なウラニウムの在処(“ヘルミオネ”という名の衛星)が判明し、各軍勢はそれを巡って争う、といったのが今回のシナリオの流れの様です。今回の戦場は月ですので生身の歩兵ユニットの使用は禁止、低重力状態なのでジャンプ距離が増大、真空なので要回収状態となったユニットは除去される、といったこのシナリオの特別ルールは面白いと思います)
*Pilot Card Clan Jade Falcon Battleforce Setを更新
(特別シナリオの「Intelligence reports coming from planet Sheratan confirm what many agencies have already suspected; the source of the colossal class BattleMechs is none other than the worlds behind the Iron Curtain.」との状況説明文章には要注目でしょう。例の135tメック“アレス”の出所がフォートレス・リパブリックの向こう側にあるというのが確認されたみたいですね。これから鑑みるに、“アレス”の開発者の正体はスフィア共和国かコムスターのどちらかである可能性が高まったと思えます)
4月のメックウォリアーの大会用賞品は、ユニット番号BF-070の非ユニーク・メック“ヴァルチャーMk IV”との事です。
March 2008 Storyline Scenario
New Neighbors
Clan Wolf’s path of destruction seems to be leading them directly towards Prefecture X and the prize of Terra. As they prepare to set up apparent bases on planet Lipton, Republic loyalists will need to do everything in their power to evict the would-be squatters. Are the Wolves actually looking to break the Iron Curtain, or is it just a rest stop on their way to a more sinister destination?
Objective: Each player aims to defeat the other.
Battleforce Size/Composition: Two-player game; 450-point build total; three orders per turn. Each player’s battleforce must contain at least one infantry with the foot speed mode. Faction pride cards may not be used. Determine the first player per the MechWarrior: Age of Destruction rules; the first player then decides if he or she wishes to represent Clan Wolf or the Republic of the Sphere supporters.
Rules Sets: MechWarrior®: Age of Destruction, Firepower, Annihilation, Domination, Vanguard, Wolf Strike, and Battleforce.
Time Limit: 50 minutes
Preparing the Battlefield: Each player may only place one piece of terrain. This terrain piece must be placed within 12? of either deployment zone. For this scenario, no planetary condition cards or mission cards may be played.
Special Rules:
1) If You Build It…: If the Clan Wolf player has an infantry with the foot speed mode that is not in base contact with an opposing unit, that unit can attempt to build an encampment. To build an encampment, the Clan Wolf player rolls 3d6 and adds the infantry’s attack value. If the attack result is equal to or greater than 17, place a B6 terrain piece in base contact with the infantry. This terrain piece must be 12? away from either deployment zone, 3? away from any other edge of the battlefield, and 2? away from any other terrain piece or encampment. If an encampment cannot be placed in such a way that meets these criteria, the encampment cannot be placed. After placing the encampment, place a d6 on the encampment, with 6 showing on the die. Only one encampment can be built per turn.
2) …They Will Come: The Republic of the Sphere supporter player may attempt to destroy an encampment by making a close or ranged combat attack against it. When making a close combat attack, a unit’s front arc must be in base contact with any part of the encampment. When making a ranged combat attack, a unit must be able to draw a line of fire to any part of the encampment. No gear, pilot abilities or special equipment may be used when attacking an encampment. If the attack result is equal to or greater than 19, the attack succeeds. Subtract the amount of damage dealt from the number showing on the encampment’s d6 and adjust the d6. If this would cause a zero or negative number, remove the encampment; it has been destroyed.
3) But Will They Stay?: If the Clan Wolf player built at least two encampments during the course of the game, that player gets 25 points towards VC2 for each encampment remaining on the battlefield when the game ends. The Republic of the Sphere supporter player gets 10 points towards VC2 for each encampment they destroy.
Victory Conditions: Use MechWarrior: Age of Destruction victory conditions with the exception outlined in the special rule 3.
3月のメックウォリアーの大会用賞品は、ユニット番号BF-069の非ユニーク・メック“マッドキャットMk IV”だそうです。
*Pilot Card Wolf's Dragoons Wolf Spiders Action Packを更新
*Pilot Card Republic of the Sphere Battleforce Setを更新
(Wolf's Dragoons Gamma Regiment Action Packのユニット(BF-058)の台座のミスプリントについて、“選択”と記載されていないパイロットの特殊能力をオフにできるかどうかについてが追加されています)
*Pilot Card House Davion Action Packを更新
*Pilot Card Phantom Warを更新